September 25, 2024

Carlo Tassi, President of Italian Angels for Growth, wins the Business Angel of the Year 2024 award

A well-deserved recognition for a true innovation game changer! With over 25 years of success as an entrepreneur in the ceramic and machinery sectors, Carlo has been able to turn his entrepreneurial vision into an incredible career as an investor.

Carlo Tassi, president of Italian Angels for Growth (IAG), was awarded the prestigious Business Angel of the Year 2024 prize during Italian Tech Week, one of the most important events on the Italian innovation scene, held in Turin. The award, promoted by Club degli Investitori, is aimed at recognizing the outstanding contribution of individual investors in supporting the growth and development of high-potential innovative start-ups. It is a fundamental recognition for those who, with their commitment, capital and know-how, support the Italian entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Who is Carlo Tassi: from entrepreneur to leader in angel investing

With a career of more than 25 years as an entrepreneur in the ceramic and machinery sectors, Carlo Tassi has been able to turn his entrepreneurial vision into a brilliant career as an investor. Since 2014, Tassi has invested in over 300 start-ups, demonstrating an incredible ability to create value. His first investment in Kippy, for example, generated an exit capable of repaying all the investments made in the following nine years. An extraordinary result that highlights his talent for identifying and supporting innovative projects with great impact.

Since 2021, Carlo Tassi has led Italian Angels for Growth with the same passion and determination that have always distinguished him, actively contributing to the development of the Italian startup ecosystem. He is appreciated not only for his investment skills, but also for his practical approach and willingness to provide support and advice to founders, including those of companies he has not directly invested in. He is a charismatic and experienced leader, always ready to put his skills at the disposal of new generations of entrepreneurs.

A milestone for Italian Angels for Growth: 5 winners in 8 editions

With Carlo Tassi's victory, IAG confirms its leading role as an incubator of excellence among Italian business angels. This is in fact the fifth time in eight editions that the title of Business Angel of the Year has been awarded to a member of IAG. In the past, this prestigious award went to other members of Italian Angels for Growth: Antonella Grassigli (2021), Enrico Chiapparoli (2020), Andrea Rota (2019) and Paola Bonomo (2017). A palmares that testifies to IAG's excellence and ability to train investors who know how to combine strategic vision and a modern approach to angel investing.

Italian Angels for Growth: a community of excellence

With almost 300 members, Italian Angels for Growth has established itself as one of the main players on the early-stage investment scene in Italy. The network, set up with the aim of supporting high-potential start-ups in the technological and innovative fields, offers much more than just financial resources: IAG's members provide start-ups with their managerial experience, technical skills and a vast network of contacts, making a concrete contribution to the success of the companies in which they invest.

The recognition awarded to Carlo Tassi is therefore a reflection of a long-term strategy that places IAG at the centre of the innovation ecosystem in Italy and Europe, confirming the network as a crucial player for those who wish to grow entrepreneurial ideas and participate in the technological evolution of our country.

The role of business angels is now more crucial than ever for the world of innovation. In an ever-changing environment characterized by increasingly rapid digital and technological transformations, business angels are true catalysts for change.

Carlo Tassi, IAG President: “I am deeply honored to receive this award, which is an important testimony to the teamwork we have done together with the Italian Angels for Growth community and the start-ups we have collaborated with. As a business angel, I firmly believe in the transformative power of startups and in the ability of innovation to generate value for the entire economic system. Our task is not only to finance projects, but to accompany young entrepreneurs with experience, vision and a network of strategic contacts. IAG represents one of the best gyms for those who want to become business angels in a modern way, preparing themselves to ride the constant changes and opportunities that early-stage investing offers us.”